Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Q&A #4

1. What’s the best love story you’ve ever watched?
~ 50 First Date, baru aja nonton beberapa hari lalu
2. Do you think you’re ok?
~ Yup, I'm ok..
3. Song playing at the moment?
~ Ga' ada, lagi nonton ulang tahunny Trans TV nih
4. One song to describe current relationship?
~ Life is like a boat (OST. Bleach)
5. Accessories you usually wear?
~ Jam tangan
6. Fave color(s)?
~ Hijau
7. Ever donated blood?
~ Ga' pernah, takut.. Hehe
8. Last place you went to?
~ Lab NCC
9. Last person(s) u went out with?
~ Sylvi ma Irina pas makan siang tadi
10. The most exciting sport?
~ Bungee jumping..?
11. Ever had a permanent tattoo?
~ Ga', cuma tato mainan pas ke Bali taun lalu..
12. Movie you want to watch?
~ Transformer 3
13. Any piercings?
~ Hanya ditelinga =)
14. The most romantic gift ever received?
~ Video, rekaman orang yang lagi nyanyi sambil gitaran, yang direkam buat aku =")
15. Act on stage before?
~ Dulu waktu kecil..
16. Struck by lightning before??
~ Nope
17. Danced with your loved one before?
~ Never....
18. Ever wished you could turn back in time?
~ Yup, sering kali..
19. One song that’s meaningful to you?
~ Kau Puisi
20. Last person who called you?
~ My mom...
22. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
~ Tidakkk pernah
23. Do you still have feelings for your ex?
~ Tidak sedikitpun. Masa lalu tidak untuk diungkit dan dirasakan lagi =)
24. Have you ever been given roses?
~ Ga' pernah =(
25. What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
~ 50 First Date
26. How many times have you honestly been in love?
~ 3 kali. First love dulu jaman SMP, mantan yang ninggal saya kawin, dan pacar saya sekarang =)
27. Do you believe that everyone has a soulmate?
~ Always.
28. Whats your current problem? wanna solve it?
~ Ada lah masalah, dan selalu berharap itu bisa selesai sebaik mungkin..
29. Have you ever had your heart broken?
~ Pernah lah, saya kan cewek normal, haha..
30. Experienced Long Distance
~ Ini lagi LDR, huhuhu....

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