Selasa, 06 September 2011

Ayo berteriak!

Hey kamu! Kembalikan diriku yang dulu! Diriku yang sudah kamu bawa pergi!
I need it! I do need it! I have to protect my important thing!
I don't wanna lose it! I just wanna protect it with my very own hand!
But I don't know how to do it..
I lose myself.
And I don't know where to find it.
It can help me to protect the thing that I want to protect.
GOD! Tell me Your way. Tell me how to do it. Tell me where I can find it.
I just want to protect the important thing.
The only one thing that important to me.
The only one thing that I want to protect.

Mungkin suatu saat aku akan gagal. Tapi semoga diriku masih sekuat dulu untuk menerima kegagalan. Semoga diriku masih seikhlas dulu untuk menerima kekalahan. Semoga diriku masih sepasrah dulu, menerima semua yang telah ditakdirkan Tuhan.

I just want myself back.

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